Sunday, July 21, 2013


Orange Tree

This weekend, we ventured out into the city and saw some sights. The photo on the right is of an “orange tree”. While most of the decorations on the tree have come down, it was done up in “safety” orange to mimic/pay tribute to all the workers that have come to Christchurch to help rebuild.

We also toured the grounds of the Museum and found the boat shops. It was a bit cold so they weren’t too popular but we MUST revisit when it is warmer. Then, we wandered into the Museum. What a sight! There was so much to look at and do that we didn’t have time to see it all. However, there is a children’s discovery area that we HAD to go to; this must be the coolest learning area, ever. Porter was completely enamored with the stairs because they had different textures. He wanted to go up and down the stairs for about an hour. Once he decided he had mastered the stairs, he decided to have a look around at everything else. 
"no, no, wait. Stop, you're killing me!" lol

Once again, we stopped at Willowbank. This time, I gave Porter the opportunity to get out of his buggy and walk around. I don’t think there was a bird in the place that wasn’t fearful for their life! However, the Clydesdale put him in his place. 
Look at those teeth!

Work to be done

Peacock Fountain

Museum Grounds


There is actually a fort inside the tree for kids to play

Creepy Scarecrow

Boat Shops


Worst Nightmare


Porter with the T-Rex shirt to match the dinosaurs


Porter is unsure about walking on the glass

So many places to look at and explore!

Canned vegetables? I don't think so.

It was hard for me to get a head-on photo cuz he was everywhere!

Holding my hand :-)

A drawer full of butterflies

A drawer full of gross things!

Fish Tank

Canned fruit???

"oh my, I don't know where to go next!"

Old Expedition vehicle

I love the old bridges here!

Snoozing ducks


New Zealand otters having fun

Ring-tailed lemurs

These chickens are glad there is a fence!

He's bound to catch a bird!

I think he has one cornered.


The Kea is close!

Beautiful tree on the Museum grounds.

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