Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wet Winter Weekend

Well, it has been raining for the last 48 hours. And when I say "raining", I mean downpour! Luckily, Porter and I were able to get out for about 2 hours before it got too heavy. We set off for the Botanical Gardens to see what would be left to view during Winter. Much to our surprise, it was amazing! If you ever make it to Christchurch, this is a MUST!

Our first trail led us through the Pinetum. A pinetum is an arboretum of pine trees or related conifers.
Planting in the Gardens’ pinetum started before World War II and the collection has matured into a fine expanse of conifers, including many species and cultivars of cedar, cypress, fir, larch, juniper, and spruce. We looked and looked for hobbits, but did not find any on this journey. Maybe next weekend?
In 1992, the 14th Dalai Lama planted a Himalayan Pine Tree which I was able to get a picture of Porter chilling underneath.
We had such a good time that Porter wore himself out with the excitement. ;-) Below are some more photos of what we saw.
A Lazy Lookin' Pine

Checking out the trails

On the stone bridge...right before he fell asleep

A winter flower

Headed into the thick of things!

Looked like this tree was out to grab us!

A big Cypress tree

Just a cool area

Porter by the World Peace Bell.

Can you find all the ducks?

A Lily the size of my head!

Since Sunday was so rainy, Porter thought he should practice his walking skills. I need to tie one of those small vacuums to him because he covers every inch of the house. Notice how when he gets stuck, he knows to move the laundry bin. Such a smart fellow!
Next, we will master the art of Rugby!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you and Porter are doing well and enjoying exploring your new home!
