Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finally, some sun!

It has been an eventful two weeks despite all the rain. Porter has learned how to walk. He started with 4 steps right before his 1st birthday. Now, he's attempting to run! I've contemplated getting him a helmet.
For his first birthday, I went to his daycare and brought in some red velvet cake. I thought this was the best place to introduce something so messy since I wouldn't have to be the one to clean it up! He got plenty of toys...thanks to all that sent presents!
For me, work is going well. They put me on a new project so it seems like I'm starting over and learning all the new things that go along with this product. I'm in charge of how this product will look and feel...which seems strange when I don't even know what the product really is. It's hard to describe but it would be like telling someone to design a widget for the new space station; that's about how lost I feel!
Since the rain stopped this last weekend, we went back to Willowbank; Porter can't get enough of the birds and I can't get enough of his new expressions. This time, he actually looked beyond the fencing/gates and saw the monkeys. Before, he didn't seem to notice that there were things inside.
The house in Parker sold! Jason is one more step closer to joining us and we are so excited to have him come here. We miss him a lot but we know that our end goal will take work and nothing really good happens without some sort of sacrifice.
We love you, Jason!
Waiting in the parking lot at Willowbank for Porter to wake up!

Silkie Chickens

Rasta Goat

Loved his horns


Wooden cutouts of all the extinct animals of NZ since Man arrived. :-(

Porter on the path
Birthday Boy!

1 comment:

  1. wow...he is already one?! It seems like yesterday that I was seeing your wedding pics....makes me realise that before I know it, my little one is going to be all grown up too !!
