Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finally, some sun!

It has been an eventful two weeks despite all the rain. Porter has learned how to walk. He started with 4 steps right before his 1st birthday. Now, he's attempting to run! I've contemplated getting him a helmet.
For his first birthday, I went to his daycare and brought in some red velvet cake. I thought this was the best place to introduce something so messy since I wouldn't have to be the one to clean it up! He got plenty of toys...thanks to all that sent presents!
For me, work is going well. They put me on a new project so it seems like I'm starting over and learning all the new things that go along with this product. I'm in charge of how this product will look and feel...which seems strange when I don't even know what the product really is. It's hard to describe but it would be like telling someone to design a widget for the new space station; that's about how lost I feel!
Since the rain stopped this last weekend, we went back to Willowbank; Porter can't get enough of the birds and I can't get enough of his new expressions. This time, he actually looked beyond the fencing/gates and saw the monkeys. Before, he didn't seem to notice that there were things inside.
The house in Parker sold! Jason is one more step closer to joining us and we are so excited to have him come here. We miss him a lot but we know that our end goal will take work and nothing really good happens without some sort of sacrifice.
We love you, Jason!
Waiting in the parking lot at Willowbank for Porter to wake up!

Silkie Chickens

Rasta Goat

Loved his horns


Wooden cutouts of all the extinct animals of NZ since Man arrived. :-(

Porter on the path
Birthday Boy!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wet Winter Weekend

Well, it has been raining for the last 48 hours. And when I say "raining", I mean downpour! Luckily, Porter and I were able to get out for about 2 hours before it got too heavy. We set off for the Botanical Gardens to see what would be left to view during Winter. Much to our surprise, it was amazing! If you ever make it to Christchurch, this is a MUST!

Our first trail led us through the Pinetum. A pinetum is an arboretum of pine trees or related conifers.
Planting in the Gardens’ pinetum started before World War II and the collection has matured into a fine expanse of conifers, including many species and cultivars of cedar, cypress, fir, larch, juniper, and spruce. We looked and looked for hobbits, but did not find any on this journey. Maybe next weekend?
In 1992, the 14th Dalai Lama planted a Himalayan Pine Tree which I was able to get a picture of Porter chilling underneath.
We had such a good time that Porter wore himself out with the excitement. ;-) Below are some more photos of what we saw.
A Lazy Lookin' Pine

Checking out the trails

On the stone bridge...right before he fell asleep

A winter flower

Headed into the thick of things!

Looked like this tree was out to grab us!

A big Cypress tree

Just a cool area

Porter by the World Peace Bell.

Can you find all the ducks?

A Lily the size of my head!

Since Sunday was so rainy, Porter thought he should practice his walking skills. I need to tie one of those small vacuums to him because he covers every inch of the house. Notice how when he gets stuck, he knows to move the laundry bin. Such a smart fellow!
Next, we will master the art of Rugby!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A Winter Weekend

This weekend, Porter and I went to Hagley Park and explored the grounds. Hagley Park is a massive park (~407 acres) in central Christchurch and has its own golf course, croquet area, and Botanical Garden. We walked about 2.5 miles and didn’t even get close to covering it all.

I think our favorite part was the Botanic Gardens because of all the ducks and the foliage…even beautiful in the winter time. There was even a playground where Porter got on the swings and didn’t want to leave. There also looks to be a swimming pool for the summer seasons. Even though the park is in the heart of the city, you feel like you are out in the middle of nowhere!
We also went to Willowbank…again. I’m not sure who likes this more, me or Porter? This time, we saw a beautiful pheasant – pronounced fee-sent. A Kea parrot jumped on the handles of Porter’s buggy and stole his strawberry milk. Luckily, we got it back and put it in the rubbish bin (trash can) immediately. And, once again, we were able to see the Kiwi’s in their enclosed environment – they reverse the day and night in their enclosure so that we can view them when they are awake – they are nocturnal.
Porter is getting really good on his feet. He’s not quite walking yet but he can do laps around the coffee table and almost catch me when we play keep away. He also thinks it is quite funny to fake “sneeze” to startle me. He also discovered how yummy apples were as long as mommy takes the first bite; it is quite difficult to get a first bite when you only have bottom teeth!

New Zealand Otters
River at Hagley
NZ Pheasant

Porter was a bit uncomfortable with how close the Clydesdale got!
Muegano -
a series of glasshouse-like frames, sitting on the water in a jumbled collection, creating angles and light reflections
Porter and the ducks...the eels were hard to photograph.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

One Month

Well, we've been here for one month and absolutely LOVING it. It was an easy adjustment from the States since English is the main tongue and, in general, things are named the same. However, here are some fun differences -

Biscuit = Cookie
Boot = Car Trunk
His new tent
At New Brighton Beach
Chips = French Fries
Dairy = A Corner Store
Fun new toys
At WillowBank

Also, Porter's first birthday is coming up. I plan to bring a cake into daycare and celebrate with him and his friends. He has a girlfriend named Sophie and a mate (best friend) named Will.

Next week, they are having a pajama party at his daycare and he will definitely participate in that.