Monday, October 28, 2013

Ashley Gorge

For Labour Day weekend, we decided to attempt our first family trip to Ashley Gorge. We rented a small…very small cabin for two nights and had a good time. Saturday it rained all day so we had to find ways to keep a 16 month old entertained in the cabin; finding things to do in a small space with a rambunctious toddler is quite challenging. Sunday was beautiful. We let Porter run and play on everything outside. I was constantly trying to get him to wear a hat that he refused to wear. So…I decided to smother him in sunblock. He played and played, found every puddle, and took two naps!
Monday morning, he was a bit cranky but slept for most of the way home. When we got home, he was super cranky! Jason had the good idea to look for new teeth, and YES…Porter has his canine teeth coming in on the bottom. Poor guy is having a rough time with it but will look really awesome when they come in. He’ll have his center two teeth and his canines…I think he’ll look like a troll! Hahahahaha! I’ll have to get tons of pictures.
Porter trying out the baby swings

At the top of the slide - he learned the word "up" during this time

Letting everyone at camp know he was there!

View of the Ashley River

View from our cabin

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