Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spring Time Yet?

Even though it was another wet weekend, so many things were starting to bloom so I forced us to get out of the house and see what was popping up. So many neat things to see and I wish I knew what everything was that I photograph. I’m only sure of one thing that I take pictures of and that is Porter. Yep, I know who he is and he makes sure everyone knows who he is.
I’ve also been trying to get back into running, so while I was taking pictures, I was running in between. Oh, and feeding ducks, too.  I logged 20 miles this week and met my goal. I’m going to try to do it again this week. We will see how it goes.
I also let Porter roam a little bit at the Museum; there are “safe” parts for a lot of the little kids. I think it blew his mind that there were so many birds and they weren’t running away from him…haha!
Daffodil Woodland

Daffodil Woodland (Giant daffodil!)

More daffodils

Fuzzy Buds on a Tree

The Center of the Rose Garden

Rose Garden - Going to be beautiful!

Porter Climbing

What are these strange creatures?!?

Wobbly Bridge that he must master.

Still waiting on these to open up. Have no idea what they are!

Any idea what this is?

Dew on the flowers

Some flowers starting to burst out!

They aren't moving!

He's so close and loving it!

Yeay! Pine cones.

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